Hawaii Wailua Falls
Interested with this beautiful waterfall? I'm sure you'll do..It is located in Lihue, Kauai, Wailua River State Park, Kauai County. Don't miss this place when you travel to Hawaii. Wailua Falls is the must-see waterfall to visit on the garden island of Kauai. Mainly, because it is the most easily accessible waterfall. Wailua Falls is a spectacular 80 ft. high waterfall. In normal flows, it is really quite pretty, dropping in 3 separate segments. In high flows, as shown above, it is a single massive falls. Wailua Falls is the waterfall that used to be shown on the old TV show, Fantasy Island. It is also where in ancient times men used to dive off (over the falls) to prove their worthiness. Let me tell you, I wouldn't be diving off this cliff. But it definitely is a spectacular waterfall. The best time to visit Wailua Falls is very early in the morning before all the crowds come here, as it is a very popular tourist stop. But if you are here alone, before anyone else, then it is much more pleasurable. The falls can dramatically change appearance depending on rain and the river's flow. The best time to view this spectacular site is early morning as the sun shines on the falls. The brave and sure-footed can can take a slippery trail down to the bottom of the falls and take a dip in the cool, mountain water.
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